Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday's Spirit

Yesterday was a great day at church. David did a good job teaching Sunday School. A guest pastor, who is leading a meeting for Sunday School teachers this week, did a great job, as well. Chloe's favorite part of the day, of course, was going to pick up a new kitten after church!

It is comforting, as a mother, that she does not get too upset when someone falls to the ground yelling because of an evil spirit. It still catches her off guard, but she does not seem afraid. Since moving to Tarime, it is something that she has seen often.

This week it was a lady named Roda. Every manifestation is different. This lady did not thrash too violently, but yelled quite loudly. When this happens the person is carried to a side room where they are prayed for but the service can continue uninterrupted. Several of us prayed for her until the spirit had left and she was calmed.

My understanding of our authority over spirits has changed through these experiences. What I learned through my years of church was 1) there might be/maybe/sort of a spiritual battle that includes demons and 2) if this remote possiblity is really true, demons have to obey us immediately.

My church didn't know what it was talking about.

I have to admit that I had a major crisis of belief when I first saw strong, faithful Christians praying over a demon possessed man for over 30 minutes without complete success. Several demons left the man but success was not won until the man admitted to a "contract" he had made. This sounds like a blood-oath, but is simply an inviting of the spirit into his life in order to gain money or some other desired object. This is done here every day by the witch doctor. The people do not know that they are inviting an evil spirit into their lives - this is the true deception of Satan.

I thought that all we had to do was invoke the all-powerful name of Jesus (and I do believe that the name of Jesus is all-powerful) and the demons would obey. What I have found out is that they argue, fight, literally run away with the person, yell, thrash, and refuse to go if at all possible. When I went back to the Bible I saw that they did the same thing to Jesus - arguing, bargaining. Jesus' authority is complete, so there was no question of their obedience, but our's is not.

So I have learned that some spirits cannot be cast out without the person admitting to being involved in witchcraft. Other spirits will fight for a long time, making us prove our seriousness and commitment. If I doubt that this is really happening or that I have any power, I am totally ineffectual. But when I know the power that is within me because Christ is within me, I see that what I say makes a difference.

I have also learned that when I start speaking aloud the basic Truth - Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus died on the cross, Jesus went to hell and defeated Satan, Jesus rose from the dead - the demons hate it and start to yell louder. They can't stand the Truth.

I have been doing some research trying to learn more about spiritual warfare because what I have been taught is just not accurate. What amazes me is that our national pastors take this all in stride. This is normal. There is no reason to question the reality of fighting a spirit and claiming freedom for another child of God. There is no reason to wonder why it sometimes takes longer than other times - this has no effect on their understanding of Christ or His power over demons. It just is what it is.

Roda's freedom did not take all that long. Once the spirits were completely gone, though she had not opened her eyes, tears began streaming down her face. Tears of a heart that can once again be soft, hearing the voice of the Lord calling to her. I won't quickly forget that sight.

Please pray that she will invite Christ into her life and that she will be filled with the Holy Spirit so that there is no room for demons to ever torture her again.


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