Thursday, January 19, 2012

Habari za siku nyingi?

Habari za siku nyingi? This basically means - haven't seen you in a while. What's up? I can't believe that I haven't posted in two months! Please forgive me.

It has been a great two months. Lots has happened. On the family front, we had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas. We were blessed with family members from the States - which was a very needed lift to our spirits. The kids had all of December off from school. A couple of friends who used to live in Tarime came back for a lovely visit. Chloe attended a 4 night retreat for our Baptist MKs and had a blast (many thank you's to those volunteers). Jon and Abby elected to stay with Mom and Dad since they live their lives in a dorm! Unfortunately, school could not be avoided forever and RVA started back the beginning of January. Jon and Abby are busy but happy. Chloe is back to homeschooling.

Pastor Mwita used the Jesus Film kit that was donated to us to show the Jesus film several times over Christmas. Hundreds of people viewed the life of Jesus in their language. At least 50 accepted Christ. He was also able to visit 3 churches that are very far away. We had heard about these churches but had not visited or confirmed their existence. It is very exciting that he was able to go and give them encouragement. This doubles our Kuria churches to 6, though we also work with a couple of other churches in our association that are not strictly Kuria. We are hoping to go and spend some time teaching there.

Please pray for these churches. As they are far away from us they do not receive the encouragement and support that they most certainly need. Pray that we will have the opportunity to spend some time with them.

Pray for our ministry plans for this year - that we will have wisdom and focus and be able to run toward the goal with undivided hearts and that our language skills will multiply.

Pray for our pastors. They are wonderful men of God. Pray for the health of them and their families, that God will provide all their needs, and that the work of their hands will be blessed.

Pray for our family's health and safety. Pray for Jon as he is enjoying the benefits of his junior year and as we look at applying to colleges next year, for Abby's continuing freshman year, and for Chloe as she homeschools.

Thank you for continuing to hold the lines for us in pray. That is what gives us the strength to be here.


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