Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Learning About the Spirits

It has been a busy. It seems to go that way - either nothing much "interesting" happens or everything happens all at once!

Tuesday night we attended a burning - destroying the tools and medicines of a witchdoctor. The young man's name is Maginga (mah-ging-ah). Barely more than a teenager, he was in training to be a witchdoctor and claimed to follow Islam. His mother, Mama Janet, accepted Christ in February and through her influence and connection to the churc, Maginga accepted Christ Saturday.

That night the spirits, who could no longer be inside him, began attacking his arms making them quite painful. Pastor Petro and other church members prayed for Maginga and he was delivered from this torture. He attended church Sunday morning.

However, that was not the end of the battle. The spirits then attacked Maginga's legs, making them so painful he could barely walk. Pastor Petro explained to him that until he got rid of all the witchcraft paraphanalia he would not have complete deliverance. He asked Maginga to gather them together to be burned.

Pastor Petro was shocked at how many things Maginga had. It was much more than he expected, so much so that he decided it was better to burn them at the church. So we gathered together Tuesday night to pray for Maginga and burn all his witchcraft tools. His mother was there, who can barely walk, and a younger sister, Janet.

Before we prayed for Maginga, Mama Janet asked us to pray for the little girl. She had night terrors every night and was even trying to leave the house in her sleep. We began praying for her, asking for deliverance from the spirits. A couple of times Pastor Petro stopped to ask her how she felt. At one point she described a piercing pain in her chest, so they continued to pray. When the pain was gone they knew she was delivered. She has had no nightmares since.

We then prayed over Maginga for deliverance. At the same time I prayed for Mama Janet's healing. I have a great desire to see her body whole - even though it is not caused by evil spirits. I want with all my heart for this family to be a witness in this neighborhood, running from house to house with the story of God's deliverance.

Maginga's legs did not immediately heal, but they did improve. We burned all the paraphanalia as we sang worship songs and praised the Lord.

This afternoon I went to visit Mama Janet. As of this morning, Maginga's legs are healed! He was even able to walk from his house to her house! We praise the Lord!

However, as he was healed another sibling was attacked. Mwita (mwee-tah) is in high school at a  boarding school about 15 miles away. Very suddenly, and without any previous symptoms, his legs were attacked this morning. We will be going to pray for him as soon as we are able.

Please pray that the people in this place will see the truth of the spirits and that God is the One and Only Deliverer. We are tired of Satan's rule over this place and desire to see God exercise His Victory here to free His people. May His Name be glorified!

Pray also for us. Whenever we are used of God to His glory we are quickly attacked ourselves. Please pray for our protection that we may press on without interruption.


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