Thursday, July 21, 2011

Family Time

I was laying in bed last night listening to music. That sounds lovely, doesn't it? I like to put a nice spin on things, but it wasn't my choice of music. It was music from town. We are often the civilian casualties of the bars in town. We are not terribly close to them, but our town is situated in a little valley - the town is on one side and we are on the other. The geographical result is that we end up being a captive audience to whatever happens after dark.

This time it wasn't the bars, but a revival. It still wasn't all that enjoyable late into the night. Especially went it started again before 5am. I end up spending a lot of time laying in bed awake. It gives a lot of time for thought.

Our kids are home from school, so they are mostly filling my thoughts. I often check in with them about how they feel about boarding school - they are in the best school I could ever imagine, but I always want to make sure that they are content. They very much are, even when they have struggles. It is great for us all to be home together and we focus most of our time with them during these holidays.

I can never say enough how proud I am of my kids. It amazes me what God has done in their lives and I constantly thank Him that He has used me to encourage that. I really do not take responsibility for who they are. I mostly feel that the good that has come through me has been a direct result of my pleas for Him to make me a good mother. Not that I am a good mother, but God has been able to make me a tool in my children's lives.

So this 6 weeks is full of them. I spend a lot of time cooking - making up for them suffering three months of cafeteria food. It is what a mom's life is like over here - hours in the kitchen. But it is wonderful to serve them this way and they often join me in the task. We will have a couple of projects to do together for fun.

I do have results from our volunteers' visit, but not right in front of me! There were over 100 confessions of faith and about half that number have expressed interest in joining the church. We praise the Lord for His glory being spread through this wonderful group of people.

Please pray that these new Christians will seek their faith, will attend our church, and have a burning desire to grow in their relationship with Christ.


1 comment:

  1. 100+ — Wow! We know that must be really encouraging.
