Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Well, it has certainly been a time lately! We have had some great praises - our crate arrived! That has made us quite busy, but in a wonderful way. We have put together shelves and finally starting unpacking boxes! We even have an armoire and hung up clothes! It's amazing! There are quite a few stories of how Africa works - or doesn't - with all this, but I won't bore you with that.

We had a great meeting with the Eastern clusters. During that time, God began to show me a vision for our ministry and I want to share that with you so that you can be praying with us.

One thing we have not done is worked on a people group world view. This is done by surveying random people as you drive through the area and ask questions about their life and beliefs. Examples of questions might be: Do you believe in a single god or many? Who do you worship? What is love to you? What does friendship mean to you? These questions can give us important insight as to how we communicate the gospel.

Another idea that I feel God is leading us to is providing clay water pots that clean water for drinking to some of the people in the neighborhoods around our two town churches. These pots are made by local people in Kenya. As water seeps from the original pot to a second pot it is cleaned enough to be drinkable. This project would communicate the love and concern of our Baptist churches to the community and create a more known presence. Baptist are almost unheard of in this area and we need to communicate who we are and why we are here. Of course, an important part of this project would be deciding who would receive the pots. We would probably focus on older people and ones who are taking care of orphaned family members.

The last idea that God has led me to is the most important and, in some ways, the most intimidating. I will tackle that one in my next entry as it is a long explanation.

Please be in prayer for us as we approach our pastors with these ideas. If they agree then we will begin to make plans to proceed. Pray for our wisdom in all these decisions and that God will use our every action to His glory.


1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord for vision casting. May He continue to guide you guys in the way He wants you to go and may you experience His peace as you implement His plans.
