Monday, May 16, 2011

Battling Circumsion

In my last entry I left you hanging as to our last ministry vision idea. It is a daunting task, as I will explain.

This vision is the most important and in some ways the most dangerous. The Kuria do male and female circumcision during the month of April. Most tribes have an initiation process into adulthood. These almost always involve witchcraft of some kind and often include a sexual initiation. We are not sure of all that is involved with the Kuria's tradition but we know one thing - it is more evil than most.

Whereas some witchcraft is usually involved, we feel that the Kuria traditions are much more tied to Satanic rituals. I will tell you why we think that. The Kuria people have different clans and not every clan circumcises every year. The leaders of each clan come together at a certain place at a river. They place food offerings on the ground and then turn and leave for a little while. When they return, whoever's food was eaten are the clans that can circumcise.

Then the highest ranking boy from each clan comes to that sacred place in the river. They go under the water and when they come up they have been circumcised. The pastor who was telling us about this truly believes that this happens. He is a strong man of God that we highly respect. I am not sure what to believe, except that I believe Satan has the power to do it.

There is another story, one even more scary. A female government official who was not Kuria came to this region and began trying to enforce the laws against female circumcision. One night the spirits came while she was sleeping and circumcised her. She left immediately. Was this Satan or was she drugged and attacked? I cannot say. I just know that it is evil.

Our plan is to create an initiation process that glorifies the Lord. It would be a time when the boys or girls are gathered together and taken through a time that signifies the entrance into adulthood. This would include some physical tasks as well as teaching Biblical principles about being a man or woman of God.

Our process would start with bringing this to our pastors, gathering together other evangelical pastors, and bringing in teachers from places where it has been done successfully. We would then look at our particular people group and make a plan that would be the most meaningful.

This is risky business because it is where Satan reigns over these people. Breaking this could be a huge breakthrough in reaching the Mara area.

Please continue to pray for us. Bathe this in prayer. We have not yet taken these ideas to our pastors, but hope to do so soon.


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