Tuesday, September 13, 2011

14 Baptized!

We were so glad to be present when 14 people were baptized at Remagwe a couple of weeks ago. We hiked from the church to a stream about a mile away. The church members had made a little dam so that there would be a deep enough spot to baptize. It was a clear, hot, sunny day. We rejoiced in God's harvest the whole day - which included Sunday School, the baptism, worship, a meal at the church, and then another meal at the house of one of the ladies who was baptized!

This was a direct result of our volunteer group's hard work. After they left, 30 of those who accepted Christ began attending new believer's classes. This is a huge number. Only 14 were baptized because Pastor Mwita required attendance at a certain number of classes. This is wise and we support him. We are confident that the others will be baptized soon.

Two of the ladies who were attending the class have been stopped by their husbands. One was beaten and threatened by her husband so badly that she ran away to family in Kenya. The other is still in Remagwe but not attending church or classes. Please pray that they will have more opportunities to act on the faith that God has planted in their hearts.

To update on our circumcision plans, we have met with our Baptist pastors. I praise the Lord that they are excited about this idea and fully supportive. We have decided that we will first create a committee that is only Baptists. This will be 12 people and David and I. We will research the traditional ceremonies, meet with people who have introduced Christian circumcision ceremonies in their churches successfully, and begin putting together our own plan. After that, we will begin the process of figuring out how to take this to other denominations and churches besides just our own.

Thank you for your prayers. We cover them with all our hearts. It is what enables us to stay here.


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