Monday, January 17, 2011

The Office of Redundancy Office

I am still sorting out how all these communication avenues should work. I have a Facebook group (feel free to join - Light for the Kuria), this blog, and try try to remember to send out a regular prayer letter every month. My dilemma is mostly about how much family information should I include - should one be all work and the other include family? Should they both be all work or both include family? And also what to write in each one.

I know that many of you who read this also get the updates from the Facebook group. But some of you don't. And I am never sure how much to repeat. I don't want to be completely boring and repetitive, but want good stories to get out to everybody. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!

Today I will just say that I sent a great story out on my Facebook page and will tell just another here.

I have been in Nairobi for a meeting and doctor appointments. Sunday I went to church with some dear friends. They introduced me to the pastor and, as is customary, he introduced me to the congregation. He also asked me to come forward and talk about our work. I was blessed to be able to tell the church about my family's time in Africa and to explain who we are working with. The Kuria people, you see, are half in Kenya and half in Tanzania with the border splitting them in two. The Kenyan Kuria are well evangelized. The Tanzanian Kuria have been forgotten.

The pastor used this opportunity to remind his church that we are here for the purpose of sharing the gospel with others. He even offered to bring a volunteer group of Kenyan believers to help us. This idea is very exciting because it could be such an encouragement to our little congregations.

Please pray with us that if it is in God's will that we could have a Kenyan volunteer group come and share their experiences and encouragement with the Tanzanian Kuria.

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