Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of you! We pray that this year will bring you s greater understanding of God's love and mercy and a greater desire to share it with those around you.

I haven't kept up the blog very well the last few weeks because we lost the good internet connection that we had been enjoying. The phone lines have been stolen in town - several times in succession. The plastic is burned off and the copper wire sold. The phone company here is at a loss as to what to do. We have bought a little, portable modem which we are now using. In the beginning it was so slow I thought I would have to abandon the blog for a while, but the speed has improved a bit now. We are hopeful that this will work for us - especially since we don't know when the other will be restored.

We have had a blessed, wonderful Christmas. Time with our children is precious and we have enjoyed every moment of peace and joy - and every moment that wasn't so peaceful or joyous! Jon and Abby return to boarding school tomorrow, which makes us all sad. Please pray for their continued enjoyment of school, health, protection, and growing maturity in Christ. Pray also for Chloe and me as we stay behing to do lonesome homeschooling!

We were so pleased to see several new adults in Tarime Baptist Church! Those who were reached by our September volunteer group are starting to come! Even the pastor is not sure why, but it seems that the Kuria are hesitant people, slow to act until they are sure. We are praising the Lord, though, that they are now joining thr group. Pray for their growth and for the church to have unity and vision.

David and I are making plans for ministry for this new year. Please pray for our wisdom as we go forward. Pray for energy and health and protection. Pray that God will open our eyes to see the world as He sees it.

We are still yearning to learn about the Kuria and to share what we know with you. As we gather information, we will send it your way.


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