Saturday, December 11, 2010


The flag has been raised over the house next door and today we are listening to circumcision celebrations. Fortunately, this circumcision is happening at the hospital. Some people are opting to do that these days as it should be a cleaner situation. We are not sure, but feel that there is probably still a great deal of witchcraft involved. There is still a great deal of celebration and tradition even though the "appointed" person does not do the actual circumcision.

We have not been able to write about the beliefs and traditions involved because the friend who is teaching us is spending these two weeks at Bible school. We are very glad that he is doing this but look forward to continuing our education when he returns.

Is it coincidence that the greatest time of evil for the Kuria people is at the same time that we celebrate the Christ's birth? It could occur at any time of the year, but I believe that this has a special joy for the evil one - to desecrate a holy time in the lives of Christians. And why do we call these traditions evil? They are evil because they worship - in various ways - the evil one. In the end we have found that all these traditions inspire fear, not joy or strength. 1 John 4:18 tells us:

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

God tells us very clearly that there is no fear in love. Anything in our culture that inspires fear is not of God. This is not the holy fear of the Lord, which is a respect and awe of His power, but a fear of death and harm.

Please pray that we would have perfect love without fear so that we may share the Love of Christ with the Kuria people.

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