Friday, November 26, 2010


The month of December is a serious time for the Kuria people. It is the time of male and female circumcision. There are a great many traditions and rituals that are involved and a lot of witchcraft.

We do not know much about these rituals, though a good friend has started to open up that strange and mysterious world to us. It is not easy to find someone who will share the deepest heart of a culture.

I will begin to tell you the story as we discover it ourselves but for now I will tell you what we do know:
witchcraft is alive and well and the spirit of witchcraft does not like the Spirit of Christ that dwells in us. We experience a great deal of oppression in December. One example is the crazy people who wander around. They are usually fairly innocuous, if sometimes aggressive. But I have never had a crazy person attack me until our first December among the Kuria. It happened three times.

We beg your prayers for us during December. Please pray for our spiritual and physical safety. Pray that our joy will rise up every day. Pray that we will be more and more broken for these beautiful people. Pray that God will open doors so that every day we will learn more about who they are and how they see the world.

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